Over the past 10 years, with China famous punishment law home HeBingSong as a representative of the academic team has successively held nine international academic seminar of research in the modern era of globalization crime and punishment problem, and good results have been achieved. HeBingSong professor in this congress on the topic "human rights defense of traditional theory of punishment theory - the reconsideration and transcend the theme of" report.
HeBingSong thinks, punishment theory is a historical formation and development. He reiterated that the "human rights defense theory" of the theory mainly includes: the aim of penalty namely state for the sole purpose of the penalty power is defense human right, Punishment for human rights defence, overall, equal, Punishment on human rights, of human rights, including on collective defense human rights defense, Punishment for crime prevention, is through good human return and perfect realization, Punishment must punish insist on moderation spirit, Human rights defense concerning the two cornerstones of "human rights" and "defense zhongyong spirit", both the perfect combination and unified, is human rights defense theory.
In many countries and regions, delegation is subject to speak. Such as Spain's Luis Arroyo Zapatero professor in its entitled "the criminal policy of modern society and the rule of law" theme speech, discusses the relationship between human and criminal law, criminal law and classical "modern" criminal law the contrast and global public ideas and the criminal policy of the international criminal law, harmonious and comparison on the issues such as the new form. Germany's Fritjof Haft professor spoke the theme of "electronic - judicial age of criminal procedural law", this paper introduces the development of the computer to the traditional German in criminal lawsuit system and the principle of oral principle, as well as their own r&d impact of already applied to many court, the public prosecutor's office and lawyers affairs method of coping software.
Delegates around congress, combining the two themes of the delegates theme speech a spirited discussion, many delegations and delegates are matters of mutual interest reached further contacts and cooperation intention, and hope that through our yearly era of globalization crime and criminal law international BBS for meeting the two themes of the related issues and broader and deeper cooperation and research.
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