Wednesday, February 15, 2012

With the passage of time

SAN Beijing time on November 30 morning news, market research firm Forrest released the latest survey said that consumer interest in buying the Windows Tablet PC is down,cheap pandora buy, but still higher than the Android Tablet PC .
Earlier this year, the survey shows that the majority of the respondents want to buy a Windows Touch device ,Adidas AdiPURE IV Shoes, but now with the release of a variety of Tablet PC models ,MBT Fumba, this ratio has been reduced not less.
the first quarter of this year , 46 percent of the potential buyers want the Windows Tablet PC , but by the third quarter , this proportion had dropped to only 25% . The same time ,Puma Kimi Raikkonen, consumers' purchase of the Android Tablet PC passion is on the rise from 9% in the first quarter rose to 18 percent in the third quarter , but still lags behind the percentage of purchase in the Windows Tablet PC . Apple iOS devices gaining favor,MBT Sini, the third quarter, 28% of potential buyers want to iOS devices, from 16 percent in the first quarter .
a new generation of tablet PCs based on Windows 8 ( hereinafter referred to as . Win 8 until next year release, when other competitors will launch its third-generation Tablet PC models . With the passage of time,MBT Shoes Staka, consumers ' interest in the Windows Tablet PC will decline rapidly.
Dell ( microblogging ) and Samsung have already indicated their support to Win , the future is expected to more manufacturers to Win 8 camp . ( Xiaoming ) < / p> share :> Related: Nokia want to push Windows Tablet PC : Success is expected to Dell says Windows Tablet still have advantages in the enterprise market that Microsoft Windows Tablet PC will be struggling Apple Google Ballmer said the Windows Tablet PC before Christmas this year listed , analysts said Windows Tablet PC next year the earliest listed microblogging | SAN official microblogging

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